Hear That? #9: Walters & Russo (Sandra M. Odell)

(Cross posted from WRITE OR GNORW)

Hi there, and welcome back to HEAR THAT?, a quick review of some of the great audio fiction on the web. This time around we have offerings from Cast of Wonders and PodCastle.

First we have a deliciously creepy tale, Cast of Wonders #41, Jake Walter’s “The Living Earth”. One thing I’ve noticed about YA is that it’s difficult to find good horror, not dark fantasy or dystopian fiction, but solid, creepy, horror that offers up shivers of fearful delight. Jake Walters recently returned from a three year tour in Romania as a member of the Peace Corps. With this story, he delivers on all counts, providing a YA tale that explores the first hints of a growing sexual awareness bound together with a healthy dose of the creeps. Graeme Dunlop’s narration brings life and an edgy realism to the story. Well done!

Patricia Russo offers her take on one possible future with Podcastle #210, “Sittin’ Round The Stewpot”, the story of a young man’s coming of age, the generation gap, and the nature of dogs. With this story, Ms. Russo explores issues of gender, age, culture, and hope, spinning the tale of a young man struggling to understand what he saw on the other side of the river even as he fights against the confines of village life. The story is narrated by Cian Mac Mahon, a talented voice actor who’s Irish accent lends a misty reality to the story and the hopes yet to come.

As always, I urge you to take a few minutes and indulge your ears in some great audio fiction. The writer’s write, and the narrators narrate, so the stories can be enjoyed. Drop me a line and let me know what you think, and stop by the podcast forums to share your thoughts on the work. And if you can, stop by the donate button to show your support for all the great fiction.

Until next time, keep your ears open!